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帮忙翻译一下 下面这段话 翻译成英语 急在线等 有追加

被浏览: 0次 2023年05月20日 04:06

嗨 女孩 我... ... 其实 我想对你说的很多 我却不晓得从哪里说袭如起 我的思绪一团乱麻 我只要一态禅拿想到你就会紧张 短路 我总想打给你 想对你说点什么 但每次都没有勇气 我不知道该告诉你什么 我怕不小心会说错什么 因为我在乎你的感受 那个晚上过后 我总是想起你 我帆搭知道自己着迷了 着迷那个漂亮瘦弱的你 我... ... 好吧 我不晓得该怎么说了

Hi, my sweetie... there are much I'd like to say to you but I don't know where to star. My mind is in a mess and I am too nervous when I think of you. It seems my brain has been short circuited. I really want to call you and say something, but i couldn't pick up the courage. I am afraid I might have said something wrong as I care about your feeling too much. After that night, you been on my mind and I know and I am deeply immersed in the thought of you, your pretty and slim image that has taken over my mind... I really don;'t how to continue and how I wish you know my feeling for you...


Hi ,my girl, I ... I just have many words for you, but I don't know where to start. I am totally confused. The moment I miss you I will imeditely be nervous.,my mind will go out of the way.
Allways I want to call you, to say something to you, but, my courage goes out everytime. I don't know what I shall tell you, in case that I say something wrong to you. Because I just care what you truly feel. Allways I miss you after that evening. I know I must fall in love with you,the beautifjl and nice girl. I...
Well, I don't know how to say and what to say.


Hey girl, I.. Actually there'困枣s a lot I want to say to you, but I don'厅尺模t know where to start. My mind is at lost. Every time I think about you I'm nervous, it's like my brain is short-circuited. I always want to call and tell you something, but I never have the courage. I don'扮缓t know what to say and I'm worried about saying the wrong thing, because I care about how you feel. After that night I always think of you. I know I'm lost, I'm obsessed with you, the beautiful slim you.
I... Alright now, I don't know what to say anymore.


Hey girl I... ... Actually, I want to say to you many but I don't know where about my mind a haslong been I just think about you'll nervous short-circuit I always want to call you want to say something but every time I don't know what did not have the courage to tell you what I'm afraid carelessly would say nothing wrong because I care you feel that night after I always think of you and I know they hooked fascinated the beautiful emaciated you I... ... Well, I don't know how to say


其中一扮消明些细节你可以桥颂自己加进入,祝你幸福*^o^*Hey, my girl, I... ... Actually, I want to say to you something but I don't know how can i start .I just think about you'll nervous short-circuit I always want to call you want to say something but every time I don't know what did not have the courage to tell you what I'm afraid carelessly would say nothing wrong because I care you feel that night after I always think of you and I know they hooked fascinated the beautiful emaciated you I... ... Well, I don'厅告t know how to say!!!


good luck