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被浏览: 0次 2023年09月10日 16:25

The narrower the input beam, the higher the critical angle and the smaller the deviation of q0 from .
The guided-wave amplitude is always smaller than that for the soliton beam in a uniform medium and approaches as guiding parameter p ! 0.
在相同的介质中,悉拦漏导波的振幅总是小于孤波光束的。且导波干涉成导向性的p ! 0参数。
Numerical simulations indicate that beams moving along the grating slowly radiate—an effect not captured by the effective-particle approach.
When solitons cross the waveguide, they lose a fraction of their energy because the wing of the soliton spatial spectrum overlaps the spatial spectrum of the guided mode.当孤波经过导波器时,它们会损失一小部分的能量,这是因为孤波翼侧的空间波谱与导波的空间波谱重叠。

The radiation rate increases as the incident angle approaches angleαb corresponding to the edge of the first Brillouin zone.12,13
随着入射角往 ab角靠近的时候,辐射速率是增加的,这与第一个布里渊散射区12.13是相适应的
The energy losses caused by the excitation of consecutive waveguides result in the slant soliton beam being trapped in one of the grating channels.
This situation is shown in Fig. 1(c). Note that the propagation distance at which trapping occurs is relatively small.
Intuitively, it is clear that the larger the incident angle, the higher the channel number at which trapping occurs.
Such radiative trapping has much in common with the properties of discrete solitons in waveguide arrays;


The narrower the input beam, the higher the critical angle and the smaller the deviation of q0 from .The guided-wave amplitude is always smaller than that for the soliton beam in a uniform medium and approaches as guiding parameter p ! 0.
输入光束越窄,更高的临界角度和小的偏差谋利,guided-wave q0振幅总是小于梁为光孤子在均匀介质和方法指导参数p !0。
Numerical simulations indicate that beams moving along the grating slowly radiate—an effect not captured by the effective-particle approach. When solitons cross the waveguide, they lose a fraction of their energy because the wing of the soliton spatial spectrum overlaps the spatial spectrum of the guided mode. The radiation rate increases as the incident angle approaches angleαb corresponding to the edge of the first Brillouin zone.12,13 The energy losses caused by the excitation of consecutive waveguides result in the slant soliton beam being trapped in one of the grating channels. This situation is shown in Fig. 1(c). Note that the propagation distance at which trapping occurs is relatively small. Intuitively, it is clear that the larger the incident angle, the higher the channel number at which trapping occurs. Such radiative trapping has much in common with the properties of discrete solitons in waveguide arrays;


被输入的光线愈狭窄,紧要关头的角度也愈高和这比较小的 q 0 的偏离从。这指导-波广阔总是小的超过当做指导叁数 p 为 soliton 在一种统一的媒体中微笑而且接近! 0.
数字的模拟指出沿着因测量原因放置于阴极射线管前的校正幕慢慢地移动的光线放射-不是被有效粒子方法捕获的效果。 当 solitons 越过波导,因为 soliton 的翅膀空间的光谱重叠空间范围的被指导的模态,所以他们失去部分的他们的棚此精力。 放射线率增加当做附带的角度方法按某一角度转动对第一个 Brillouin 地域的边缘符合的α b 。12,13 由连续波导的刺激所引起的能源损失造成在因链蔽迅测量原因放置于阴极射线管前的校正幕之一通道被困住的倾斜的 soliton 光线。 这一并渗种情形在图 1(c)被显示。 注意陷扰发生的增殖距离相对地很小。 直觉地,它很清楚较大的附带的角度,较高的陷扰发生的通道数字在。 如此发光的陷扰和波导排列的不连续 solitons 的财产一样多有;


输入光束的波长范围越窄,其临洞宽族界角就越高,对q0的偏差也越小。在相同的介质中,导向波的振幅总比孤波光束的小,但接近导向波的p ! 0参数。数值模拟(实验)表明:巧败当光束向光栅缓缓移动时光束会发生辐射。当孤波经过导波器时,它们会损失一小部分的能量,这是因为孤波翼侧的空间波谱与导波的空间波谱重叠。随着入射角往 ab角靠近的时候,辐射速率是增加的,这与第一个布里渊散射区12.13是相适应的,能量的损失是因为受到连续性导波的激发,从而造成偏斜的孤波波束被其中的一个光栅通道俘获。图1(c)可以说明这种情形,在俘获发生处的距离增殖纳弊是相对较小的。通过我们的直觉,很明显,入射角越大,在俘获发生处的通道数量会越高。在导波阵列中,这种辐射俘获与分离的孤波的性能有很多共同之处。


越窄输入的梁、 高临界角和 q0 从较小的偏差。野铅导波振幅总是较均匀介质中的孤子梁和方法作为引导参数 p !0。
数值模颂散好拟的研究表明,梁沿着慢慢辐射的光栅 — — 不会捕获有效粒子法的效果。当孤子交叉波导掘租时,他们将失去其能量的一小部分,因为孤子空间谱的翅膀重叠的引导模式的空间谱。辐射率增加对应于第一次的布里渊 zone.12,13 的边缘的连续波导结果被困在光栅渠道之一的斜孤子梁励磁所造成的能源损失的入射角方法 angleαb。这种情况下所示 (图三)。注意出现在陷印的传播距离是相对较小。从直觉上,显然大事件的角度,在陷印的高通道数发生。这种辐射的陷印有什么共同的属性的离散孤子波导阵列 ;