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请帮忙翻译3个句子 汉译英 谢谢

被浏览: 0次 2023年05月20日 02:39

1.资金缺乏(shortage of capital)阻碍山尘了经济的发展(hold back)
1. The lack of funds (on) shortage of hinders economic development (hold back)

2.由于流感(the flue)在社区传播,她用温暖的冬衣把自己裹(wrap)起来,以逗哗禅防传上这种疾病
2. Because of the flu (the flue) in the community transmission, she with warm winter clothes wrapped (wrap) rise, to prevent posted on this disease

3. When you get to st. Louis (st), I have about $40


The shortage of capital holds back the development of the ecnomy.

She wraped herself in warm clothes in case that she would be infected by the flue spreading in the communitte.

Arriving St. Louis, I had about 40 dollars.


The shortage of capital holds back the growth of economy.
Because the flue is prevailing in the neighborhood, she has to wrap herself up with the warm winter coat to keep the disease out.
I had about 40 dollars when I got to St. Louis.


1.Lack of funds hinders economic development
2.Because of the flu spread in the community, she used warm winter clothes wrapped up, just posted on this disease
3.When you get to the st Louis, I have about $40


shortage of capital holds back the development of ecnomy.


1.Shortage of capital hold back the economic development.
2.Because of the flue spreaded in the community,she used warm winter clothes to wrap herself to prevent from posting on this disease.
3.When arrived in st.Louis,I still have $40.