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被浏览: 0次 2023年05月13日 01:49

Since the early 1990s in various regions of China, especially the developed coastal area opened to foreign business and thus attracted a large number of direct investment, business relocation and oursourcing order from international coorporations, and thus allowed those labor-intensive, with low additional value, and mainly processing-oriented industries to develop rapidly. Our manufacturing sector by adopting the OEM production mode to participate in the international division of labor and thus earning processing fee has become a world trend.





Since the early 1990s in various regions of China especially developed coastal area was open and large absorbed the international direct investment by transnational corporations, industrial transfer and outsourcing orders, so that those who labor-intensive, additional value lower, by processing trade-oriented industry is rapidly growing. Our manufacturing sector adopts OEM production mode, participate in the international division of labor has become the mainstream, earning processing fee. In our country are usually called OEM production or OEM production.




Since the early 90s of the 20th century, the Chinese developed coastal areas, especially in large open areas to absorb because of the international direct investment from multinationals, industrial relocation and outsourcing orders, so that those labor-intensive, low value added in processing trade-based manufacturing industries are growing rapidly. OEM production by China's manufacturing industry to participate in international division of labor has become the mainstream, earning fees. In China is often called OEM or OEM production